Now you can Develop your own Freedom Fellowship and will be a support for you to develop your own Freedom Fellowship.
This is a faith based fellowship that shows you how to facilitate and build your own group that helps other develop a firm reliance on divine providence.
Our first talk will be about establishing an excellent foundation to build upon. These will be a practical talks about the uses and differences you may see when dealing with every aspect of life in a Free Society.
Email me to request the link to JOIN this talk:
My Local Fellow is below:
Having Trouble with your Government? Join us in Franklin, New Hampshire
A Freedom Fellowship
FRANKLIN, Hill and Bristol, New Hampshire FREEDOM MEETUP
This group was started originally by Christopher Gronski. It is an opportunity to learn more about securing your liberty and freedom. If you’re having trouble with your State,…
It’s Free and Open to Everyone AND No cost or requirement to Join
If you are having trouble with your public servant or elected official, you might want to attend a local Freedom Fellowship.
For more information on Fellowships in LOCATIONS: Franklin, Hill and Bristol, New Hampshire.
Discuss with us the implications and differences between State and Federal citizenship. Find out if this is Myth or Fact. Get more details about the upcoming State Citizenship Class. Come and join us in this discussion about securing your Liberty and Freedom without the federal government. Learn about the differences between a Right and a privilege. Get a better understanding of Sovereignty and register for the next class today.
Call Christopher today, request his phone number at