
DestinationFreedom is the key to your financial freedom

Rated 5 out of 5
August 1, 2023

I had many questions about the passport process and felt very overwhelmed on how to do it correctly. Christopher with DestinationFreedom was able to assist throughout the entire process and I would not consider anyone else for further assistance !


“I just want to say Thank you so very much for all you do.
It’s refreshing to find someone else who takes their freedoms as seriously as I do. You are a God send, literally!
I have been searching for a long time for a way to distinguish myself from that in which I have been PRESUMED to be.
I was the student who argued excessively with my history teacher because of ALL THE LIES they tried to feed me in school.
Even though I was president of my senior graduating class of 1500, I was a staunch rebel, which is why I believed why my class mates voted me in.
At any rate, thank you for your help and I will refer everyone I can your way !”

Especially with that REAL ID crap they’ve declared October 1, 2020.
I’m grateful to have found you.

Mary ———  Washington State

I’ve hired Christopher for the class and passport service.
He does what he says and sticks with you until success is achieved.
I’ve referred many people to him.”
All the best.
Tyranny ends…when personal empowerment begins!
Just want to sincerely thank you again. Your breadth of experience and confidence in this process is very reassuring. You fore warned that their would likely be some emotional turbulent’s around this, and I have experienced them. You give me the dose of confidence I needed.
“Christopher did a really good job”
“Also, I attended the first of two workshops given by Christopher Gronski of Destination Freedom (no internet connection for the second one–GRRR!) and even though I was familiar with the information presented, Christopher did a really good job of putting it together in a lovely flow. He’s an excellent presenter and I’m really looking forward to his second workshop.”
“I have had a sense of peace in my life.”
“Christopher, I want to thank you for ALL YOUR help in getting my state Citizen Passport Book and Card. Since receiving it in December ’15, I have had a sense of peace in my life (Well, I KNOW God has helped me also!). The online state Citizen class you held was also very informative.  I kind of bristle at the injustice  the feds are foisting on the American people, purposefully! But thankfully I am on the path of extricating myself from their implied web of deception. Thank you! 
I admit also the concept of not being an “employee” for someone was a hard thing to grasp hold of, but, I am fully comfortable now with the thought of creating and managing my own business since being laid off from the oilfield industry. Again, thank you for your help,  knowledge and enthusiasm. God bless!”
Mitchell D.
Corpus Christi, Texas, America 


“Know who you are and protect your heart.” 

“I have been looking for a remedy to the yoke of federal lawlessness for several years. I have done an exhaustive study of available remedies and found nothing comparable to the state citizenship remedy and process of Mr. Christopher Gronski. Many people claim to be state citizens via other means, only to find themselves in trouble with state or federal agencies.

Mr. Gronski’s remedy is the only one to my knowledge that the US State Department fully acknowledges, with no legal repercussions down the line except for being left alone! For integrity and peace of mind and heart, look no further: Mr. Gronski is an honest and humble servant helping those seeking the freedom that the forefathers of our Republic described and created. Instead of blogging and blitzing on the internet, you will find him working with his state legislature to secure more individual freedoms and helping secure freedom for individuals and families via the state citizen process.  As a martial artist I can attest his unique and powerful paperwork and remedies leave no openings.

And remember it’s a process and there is no silver bullet.  Gronski’s best question to me when we began this journey last year was, “know who you are and protect your heart.”

Martin K.


“My phone NEVER rang once from a bill collector…”

“So to all of you whom I’ve never had the pleasure and opportunity to meet, I say to you one and all, that you are indeed blessed to have Christopher as a mentor, a leader, and friend. My wife and I knew Chris and his lovely wife for many years and we shared many hours at play, enjoyed their cuisine, (they both are divine cooks) and had serious meaningful discussions about government, credit card fraud, and discharging debt.

I believe Chris did this for me because he has a sincere desire to help those who have been led into entrapment from banks and their credit card scam and as my friend he knew my wife and I were in a mess of huge debt. I’d like to say here that not until Chris began to educate me in the unholy ways of big banks, that I realized how extensive his knowledge was in this arena, of course I had no idea the banks were extorting all of us; it was shocking and angered me. So I invited Chris to tell me more, in fact, I wanted him to tell me everything. I ask the number one question; will I get into trouble?

I had concerns, anyone would, after all, we’ve all heard the rumors of what they’ll do to you if you step out of line, right? But here is what took that fear away, it was Chris. I believed him. Chris is not a smooth talking snake oil salesman making wild promises. Chris knows his stuff. He never pushed me, he took all the time needed to answer all my uneducated questions; and he also took a great deal of time to explain, (over and over) exactly how calculated and smooth those charlatans are. And like all of you, I had been programmed to get in line and pay up, or I would pay huge penalties, my interest rate would go up, and my credit rating would be ruined. I trusted Chris, by this time I knew he was a master of his trade, and he truly was trying to help me; so all I need was five minutes to say let’s do it! I asked him what the cost was. Since we were 30 K in credit card debt, it was $3,000.00–10%. So since I was all in, I charged 3 K on my card and sent that money to his bank, I liked that. And as a side note, for all these years since, I wished I had doubled the fee since the bank was paying.

To this day, I am still amazed with his professionalism, the way he responds to these banks and their lawyers, it’s fascinating. I thought I knew this guy, but I had no idea how intelligent he was to destroy these guys at their own game. At first, they swarmed around us like we had disturbed a bunch of angry wasps. I got a little excited, Chris didn’t. I would say yea but what about this or what about that, and he would calmly explain exactly how to dot the I’s and cross the T’s. It’s been a long time ago so I’m not sure of the timeline, but things started settling down around three months I think. My phone NEVER rang once from a bill collector.

In conclusion, I was told that my credit rating was shot for good. I mean the credit bureau probably thinks we are the two most dishonest and disgusting people on the planet, but that’s the way they play their part in this monstrous scam. But why would I look to go into debt all over again. There was one credit card we had that was new and gladly we kept that one because if you’re renting a car or charging a hotel room you do need one, and pay it in full every month.

The most amazing thing Christopher ever said to me concerning the discharge of debt is this: The banks and lawyers know that what they are doing in the credit card world is wholly illegal. After a few months of firing shots across your bow, they will leave you alone. These unholy companies don’t roll over and ask to be kicked again, they are ruthless psychopaths. But like Chris told me, they’ll never take you to court because they know they can’t win, and in losing, that would set a precedent, and then everyone would do the same and the banks would lose billions.

This is my true experience with my great friend Christopher. Maybe there are a handful of others like him. I’m honored to call him a friend and eternally grateful for his services and taking a huge weight off our shoulders we would never have done without him. And I think it occurs to me I need to clarify one thing more. Just a few months after Chris had started this process, the lady my wife was working for passed away. She never worked again from physical problems and same for me. We started on Social Security, so you see, we would have been sued buy these people. The rest is your choice; I couldn’t imagine anyone more qualified that this man. Good luck, and thank you.”

W. Smith

Longview, Texas


“Christopher’s guidance was unwavering, and his predictions of how it would all fall out were right on the money”

“About the time of the 2008 crash, we had been educating ourselves about the banking system and the government connection, and were coming to grips with what we now understand to be the huge lie and fraud that has been perpetrated on the populace for decades. The more we learned, the more angry, scared and helpless we felt about the situation, and we were looking for ways to legally deal with the system. After the crash, our incomes dropped substantially and we had a substantial amount of bank debt, and, while we always made our minimum payments, it was clear we weren’t going to be able to
pay it back, at least not in any reasonable time period.
In 2011, a friend introduced us to Christopher and DestinationFreedom.org, and we had him help us discharge our credit card debt, which was in several accounts with four or five different banks. It was an uncomfortable choice to say the least, but we were so fed up and pissed off, we took the plunge. Christopher’s guidance was unwavering, and his predictions of how it would all fall out were right on the money, so to speak. Yes, we were scared at times, we have all been very well trained to be subservient to banks and government. We did get collection calls, but Christopher trained us in how to handle them, and eventually, they stopped. He always said, “we take the high ground”, but it took a
while for us to fully accept the fact that the banks really are operating an illegal Ponzi scheme, and that the information we requested from the banks about our accounts (to prove a legal debt) and which they couldn’t provide, put us legally in the driver’s seat.
We have been debt free for over three years now, and intend to never, ever use the fraudulent banking scam called “credit” again. When we want something, we save the money to buy it – what a concept.
Since then we have also been doing what we can to legally separate ourselves from the corrupt system called the US Corporate Government, and one of several steps we have taken is to declare State citizenship. In that respect we have also used Christopher’s guidance in getting new passports.
We want to live in a world where coercion, extortion and lying are not the status quo. Anything that we can do now to legally pull support out from under those corrupt systems, empower people and begin to establish a more truthful, sane and sustainable approach to living together in society, is something we want to support. We highly recommend DestinationFreedom, and Christopher Gronski’s work.”

Kent and Lynn,
Lewis County, Washington State


“Destination Freedom offers a method not only effective yet thorough, clean and simple.”
“Destination Freedom offers a method not only effective yet thorough, clean and simple which thus far has piercing success. The integration of God spirit into the jurisdiction based topics of the seminar are a palatable expression for all, and inspiring for most. The all day class seems daunting and questionable though it went by fast, is compelling of which’s value is far beyond and ultimately worth the cost. Gronski, well balanced and pleasing in character and enthusiasm, will lead you through a tangible comprehensive presentation and service, not necessarily to the promised land. Unless, however, you seek to relieve yourself from the grips of fraudulent entities such as the IRS, any situations which may require freedom from authoritative jurisdictional pressure or help in finding spirit, ultimately the spirit of freedom….the land is rich and fertile. Actually it does feel promising.”
Cheers, Yogi Blair
“I am free”
“I got my first bank account overseas today using my State Citizenship paperwork to protect the bank from FATCA fines for not giving a social security number for someone holding a US Passport. All went through. I had to explain everything to them but they understood and it passed. FATCA monitors overseas bank mainly through agencies like PWC as they contract with the IRS to enforce stuff on US Federal Citizens. I am free lol”
A.M. New Zealand
All I can say is…WOW. 

Good afternoon, Christopher.  This is Mitch from Kentucky.  We spoke on the phone once or twice a couple years ago.

Man, I just came across a 50 min. video on YouTube which appeared to feature you as guest speaker at a seminar.  All I can say is…WOW. 

I have still been struggling to get my head around all this stuff. I cannot express to you how much that information was needed, welcomed and appreciated.  I literally just finished hand transposing the greater part of it as that’s how I best commit to memory.  I haven’t pulled an all-nighter in a LONG time!  The after-burner is lit HOT!  That is truly inspiring and solidified several things for me that I have been seeking for a long, long time.

What I like most is it is clear to me you are not jumping from this to that.  You stand upon the same principles, foundation and ground we spoke about two years ago.  That is admirable. 

I just wanted to say “thank you” for putting that out there, man.  I’ve been going through a very difficult time, and believe me when I tell you the timing of my finding that video came from Above.

I will be contacting you hopefully sooner rather than later for another go, except this time I’m going to comprehend EXACTLY what I am doing before I do anything.  Your video set me on the right path.  Thank you again, so very much!

Peace be with you!

– Mitch

“I would just like to express my thanks and gratitude to Chris. He is quite the knowledgeable and passionate man, who truly believes in helping people with state Citizenship and encouraging you to stand on it. He assisted my husband and I through the whole process and we have our passports. Very trustworthy, has the most sweetest wife assisting him, will make sure that you get your passport and your rights are protected.”
Good morning Chris:

Just sent off a small gift to you. Thank you once again.

Your very welcome Christopher! I truly appreciate all the hard work, dedication, and hassle (grin, grin) you put into the State Citizenship class. I’ll be sending donations monthly in hopefully encouraging you to continue in what your doing for people.

This was a tough year for me, getting discouraged and allowing time to pass me by, yet your encouragement and the Creator and arbiter of our faith, got me through this. You provided the inspiration to be stay on topic, be honorable and persistent with the passport office.

I look forward to sending off for the certified copies of the passport application and process docs. I read they charge $50 for certified copies, so I’ll be sending that along with the FOIA.

If there is anything I can help you with, just let me know.


