Let us know if you need help after you submit your application.

Since the Fall of 2016, the US State Department will not issue a Passport without providing a Social Security Number. (SSN)

We do not provide the Social Security Numbers (SSN) on the (DS-11) application. We do provide the SSN with the Explanatory Statement. If the State Department denies the passport application for not providing the SSN we have a response for that and will make sure you are not entering into any kind of contract or agreement or giving up any of your Rights. We will address this in the Workshop in great detail.

After you obtain your Passport Book and Card you can do your own (FOIA) request OR your can have us do your FOIA Request for you: $250

If after taking this Workshop you feel it’s too much for you, you may apply for the Full Passport Assistance and the Class and Workshop fees can be applied towards the balance of the of that service. The Full Passport Service is $1,500. Let us know.

DS-11’s with Explanatory Statements & Review Service – $300

Each State Department Response Letter Service – $200

FOIA Request Service – $250